"Just wanted you to know that my package arrived this morning and your product looks GREAT!. I'm so pleased with the results. I'm a flight attendant so it's great to smile again!"
"I'm now convinced. It's nice to find a fairly priced product that actually works as advertised. I made a replacement tooth on the very first try. It looks good, is comfortable and eliminates an embarrassing gap. This is an outstanding product!"
"Have just received the product. Within 15 minutes I had a replacement tooth. So easy to do. I just wish I had found your product a few months ago! The best few quid I've ever spent."
Lee C., Lancashire, England
"This product is truly amazing-and a life saver! I am using it until I can have my implant done for my 2nd to last upper back tooth-and am finally able to laugh without thinking about it. You are a genius for coming up with this..and I thank you!
Stephanie, Essex, Ma.
"Wow, I love it. For the first time in 10 yrs I can smile again without feeling so embarrassed. My kids are always asking why there isn't many photos of me with them coz i didnt like my photo taken because of my missing teeth. Now I can't wait to start snapping away with the camera and smiling. I am so happy thank you so very much!".
Wendy, New Zealand
"After a couple of tries, I made the perfect tooth...used a little tea for a realistic colour match and Wow...my man who is in Afghanistan for another 4 weeks...cannot wait to flash a new smile when he arrives home now!!! No gap anymore!!! Love it!"
Kay W. London, United Kingdom
"I was totally pleased with my TempTooth product. I was able to make mine in a few easy tries. Am sending you a before and after pic that you are free to use to promote this Fantastic product. Please never discontinue this product! I am a nurse and I plan on telling all my patients about this product. I am proof it works.Thank you for making me and others feel like showing off their smiles again!"
Carol M., North Carolina
"I have received the package and I have to tell you that your product is the BEST THING THERE IS!!!!! Really easy to make and the instructions on the video were very helpful. I am starting my new life!!!!"
Mery, Toronto, Canada